Prayer of Praise

Author/Contributors: Alison

Our Father God, we so thank you for Pentecost and the gift of your presence with us, this small group of followers,
as you are with many groups of followers
spread across this world you made for us,
speaking a kaleidoscope of languages.

He hōnore, he korōria; We exalt you, our God;
You are great and totally deserving of our praise.
Your greatness is unfathomable.

You, our God are gracious and compassionate,
forgiving and rich in love,
Use us to reach out in love to all of your creation

We want to pass on to our children, what you have done for us and what you mean to us
We want them too to celebrate your abundant goodness
and to joyfully sing you praises.

As we are for our children, you are for us:
You are with us when we call to you.
You pick us up when we fall,
and encourage us when we lose hope.

Your presence with us makes sense of a very confusing world; we would that every living thing would praise you, our God and our redeemer.

Āmine, Amen


Prayer of Praise


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