Whānau Ora
Life Groups
Life Groups @Flagstaff are a vital part of who we are as a community of faith as we seek to grow in Jesus. Not only do we explore the messages God has for us from the Bible but we also have the opportunity to connect with others and experience a place where no-one stands alone.
If you would like to join a group, find out more information then please contact us
- Discipleship Groups which focus on study and prayer.
- Ministry Groups where the primary focus is on a ministry but have elements of scripture, prayer and mutual support.
- Community Facing Groups where the focus is on friendship around a common interest. These groups are welcoming and invitational which may centre on an activity, a hobby, a talent, a life stage, a project or service.

Community Choir
The choir meets on Monday evenings 7:30pm at Flagstaff Community Church. The choir learns and sings a range of music.
Contact: Sue Mepham 027 250 0944

Hire a Helper
This group meets as required to help people or organisations who need a helping hand.
Contact: Church 027 3569200

Community Garden Group
This group meets to tend the community garden at Wakari Church. It meets when the garden needs attention.
Contact: Church 027 3569200

Green Fingers
This group takes an interest in local environmental enhancement projects.
Contact: Church 027 3569200

Walking Groups
Two walking groups making the most of some of Dunedin’s great walks and sights.
Contact: Church 027 3569200

Young at Heart
Retired or semi-retired folks who meet once a Term for coffee and to hear from a guest speaker on an issue that is topical!
Contact: 021 385 905

Women's Coffee Group
Meet once a month for coffee.
Contact: Church 027 3569200
Tamariki & Rangatahi Children and Young People
Our children and young people are a central part of our life as a church. We are committed to encouraging our young people to grow in their faith. We have a great team of leaders who work as a team with the minister to find creative ways to learn, grow and serve together as a church family.
We are committed to ensure that children and young people in our care will be nurtured and cared for in a safe environment and be protected from harm. All our ministry leaders involved with children’s activities are required to attend a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) Training which provides practical tools and insights to assist all those working with children and young people. The training equips churches to comply with New Zealand law, the Church's Child Protection Policy and, most importantly, keep the children and young people in our care safe.
Flagstaff Community Church welcomes children. We try to make worship an engaging experience for people of all ages. There are times of quiet reflection, prayer, and crafting. There are times of exuberant singing, music-making, and all-age discussion. We are used to the noise of children playing and joining with us, and we are glad to hear the sounds of life amongst us!
For parents with babies and very young children there is a ‘couch corner’ with toys and books. There are also more toys and books in the foyer if your child becomes restless and needs a bit more space.
For older children, sitting near the front can help them to see, hear and engage with what is happening in the service. “Children belong and can participate in the life and worship of the faith community of ALL ages”.
At the front left-hand side of the church there are a couple of low tables (and big seat cushions) where children are welcome to come and draw or do a craft activity.
Some weeks an adult is rostered to take ‘Mat Time’ in the foyer involving a simple story and activities with any children during the sermon time.
Our intermediate aged young people meet with others their age from two neighbouring Presbyterian Churches for a Sunday Junior Youth Group and Friday Night Youth Group.