Our Kaupapa

Flagstaff Community Church

We seek to capture something of the way we express our faith, through these documents, which we see as complementary, and captured in the image of the Southern Cross. Together they are a guiding light for us, as we seek to follow Christ faithfully in the 21st Century.

  • Kupu Whakapono - PCANZ Confession of Faith
  • PCANZ mission statement - the five faces of mission
  • Flagstaff Community Church Identity statement
  • Flagstaff Community Church Vision and Values

Kupu Whakapono

From this land of Aotearoa New Zealand we confess that we believe in and belong to the one true and living God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Love before all love.

We believe in God the Father, sovereign and holy, Creator and nurturer of all. Father of Jesus Christ, sender of the Holy Spirit, and Judge of all the earth.

We believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, truly human and truly divine, who lived among us full of grace and truth. For our sin he was crucified and by the power of God was raised from death, forgiving us, setting us free and bringing to birth God’s new creation. Now ascended, he calls us to repentance and faith and restores us to God and to one another.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the giver of life at work in all creation, who inspired the Scriptures and makes Christ known, who transforms hearts and minds and gathers us into the community of Christ, empowering the Church in worship and in mission.

We belong to this triune God, women and men, young and old, from many nations, in Christ he iwi kotahi tatou [we are one people], witnesses to God’s love in word and action, servants of reconciliation, and stewards of creation.

As God’s people, we look forward in hope and joy to the return of Christ, to the new heaven and earth, where evil and death will be no more, justice and peace will flourish, and we shall forever delight in the glory of God.

To find out more about the PCANZ you can visit their website.

Presbyterian Church Mission Statement

The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand believes it is called by God to work with others in making Jesus Christ known through:

  • Teaching and nurturing people in Christian faith
  • Loving service responding to human need
  • Proclaiming the gospel
  • Seeking to transform society
  • Caring for God’s creation

Flagstaff Community Church Identity Statement

We are a Christ-centred creative community.

Under the Flagstaff Mountain (Whānau-paki) in Whakaari (Wakari) we find our place of belonging: to God, to each other and to the whenua.

We are part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ and we acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a living document giving room for new relationships.

We sing, celebrate, play, encourage each other and work together as part of our worship towards a flourishing community welcoming all people.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi
(Treaty of Waitangi)

At Flagstaff Community Church we acknowledge the Treaty as a special treasure ‘a taonga’. The Treaty determined a partnership, a “covenant” as we in the Judeo-Christian faiths would say, a sacred promise to work together for the good of all. And when seen as a covenant, the Treaty is a living document, giving room for new relationships.

We believe that to participate in God’s activity in Aotearoa, followers of Jesus can learn and experience more of God’s action by entering more into the worlds of tangata whenua. As we connect with our whenua (land), our people (iwi) and te Wairua Tapu (Holy Spirit) we are discovering a Jesus whose a bit different to the one we have known and grown up with.

The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa is a cross-cultural and multicultural Church with a bicultural commitment. The Church affirms that it is cross-cultural in that it recognises that the rich-ness of the Christian Gospel and its proclamation can be found in the sharing of experiences, wisdom and learning from many different cultures. (Book of Order)

Our Vision

We are a little church on the go: in faith, hope and love.

We desire to keep growing together in genuine faith, and to share God’s love as we engage with our multi-ethnic neighbourhood and care for those in need.

Our Values

Centred around Christ Ko Ihu Karaiti tō tātou rangatira. - Jesus Christ is our Chief!

Christ is our centre: In reading scripture, silence, prayer, sharing stories of how God is at work, wrestling with questions, working out our faith, and worshipping together

A creative community Kākano - the promises of God and the seed of faith that we each have, which is flourishing within. 

Creativity in music, in art, in care for others and for creation, in our response to Christ’s welcome.

We find our place of belonging: To God, to each other and to whenua. Tūrangawaewae - the place where we stand.

  • To God - “In You we live and have our being” 
  • To each other - “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
  • To the earth - “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”, we are all Tangata Whenua.

We sing Waiatanui – big sing!

We love to sing together: in worship to God, within our community choir, with our new songs, in the car park, and on the way home. 

We celebrate Whakanui 

We joyfully gather to mark the significant seasons of our lives as worship to God: our big hui celebrations of Easter, Matariki, Parihaka, and Christmas. 

We play Tākaro 

Our community groups, our tamariki and our friendship gatherings.

We work Do the mahi, get the treats!

Our creek restoration project, writing new music, our special gatherings.

We are flourishing Whanaungatanga - sowing the seed of Christ through our relationships with others.

We are committed to growth in Christ, seeking growth in our own lives, in our community, and in the earth.

We are welcoming  Manaaki – expressing our love and hospitality towards others. Your contribution and my contribution will provide sufficient for all.

We are friendly: sharing food, accepting of kids making some noise, permission giving, listening to the stories of the people who join us.

We treasure all people  He tangata, he tangata, he tangata – it is people, it is people, it is people.The elderly are cared for, children are valued. We acknowledge and honour our place alongside tangata whenua.

Being Presbyterian

We are a member church of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, and we share the core values of Presbyterianism.
We believe that the Holy Spirit speaks to and through God’s people.
We believe that we are always growing in our faith and our love of God.
We believe that we are members of the Body of Christ.