About Us


Tīhei Mauri Ora!
E te Ariki Nui, tēnā koe
Behold there is life!
To God, greetings

Mihi ki te whenua
Greetings to this land
To the winds that race across the harbour
To the Maungatua mountains
He mihi aroha

I roto ki tēnei hui Matariki
I te ingoa o Ihu Karaiti
We gather under the southern stars
in Christ who calls us together

Mihi ki ngā mate
We acknowledge and farewell those who have died, our ancestors
- who laid down the path we walk on and loved ones
- whose absence still aches like an open wound
He mihi aroha
Ka huri ahau ki te hau kainga
He mihi tēnei ki te hau kainga
Waitaha, Kati Mamoe, Rapuwai
Kai Tahu kei te mihi, kei te mihi

We turn to the people of this place – welcome
He mihi aroha

Haere mai ki te Whare Karakia o Te Whānaupaki
Flagstaff Community Church
welcomes you

Te whānau karaitiana o whānau paki
Nā rangatira karaitanga
We are the Christian family of God
Jesus is our chief

Haere mai, haere mai, haere mai!
Kia ora rā ki ngā iwi e tau e
Mauria mai te aroha ki te marae e
Kia ora katoa

Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Good health to every iwi here
Bring forth your love to this meeting place
Be well, everyone

About Us

Flagstaff Community Church is a Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our History

We began as the Wakari Congregation in 1913 under the Maori Hill Presbyterian Church. In 1969 the West Dunedin Union parish was inaugurated and the Wakari Congregation moved to our current site. In 1986 the West Dunedin Union Parish was dissolved and we joined with the Halfway Bush congregation to become Flagstaff Union Parish. In 2011 we made a decision to move out of the union and become solely Presbyterian, changing our name to Flagstaff Community Church.

Our Area

We are located in the western suburbs of Dunedin on ‘Whānau Paki’ Flagstaff in Wakari. The Māori word ‘Whakaari’ – held up to view – is named because of its position on the lower slopes of Flagstaff, a 666.3 summit which is prominent on the Dunedin landscape.

Our Whānau

Flagstaff Community Church is a community of people who love God and want to grow in faith, grow together, and find ways to love and serve others. Our church has people of all ages and we are known for our hearty singing, authenticity and good coffee. Our tamariki are an important part of our life as a church. We encourage parents to talk to their children during the service, move around together and pick up a ukulele if they want to join in. We love finding creative ways to learn and grow together. Our Sunday worship services are faithful to The Word, intergenerational and engaging.

Our worship services are open to everyone and we’d love to welcome you at any of our hui or activities.